- Our mentor Dr. Pamela Abshire runs the Integrated Biomorphic Information Systems Laboratory at the University of Maryland, College Park. The lab's research areas include cell clinics, adaptive circuits, information/power efficiency and optical image sensors.
- Dr. Sandra Waller and Dr. Jill Whitall are researchers within the Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science Department at the University of Maryland, Baltimore. They have been invaluable in their assistance with the recruitment of test subjects and development of rehabilitation training regimens and for providing a location in which to conduct EMG studies.
- We have been in contact with Dr. Scott Mathews of Catholic University. He had previously conducted a study involving the creation of an EMG-based gaming platform which used simple thresholding as the mechanism for signal discrimination and detection. He has offered us advice and consultation regarding the project.
- Dr. José L. Contreras-Vidal conducts research in the area of Behavioral and Computational Neuroscience. Of particular interest to Team CHIP is Dr. Vidal's work on the interpretation of the EEG signal with respect to motion and sensory inputs in humans.
- Otto Bock is the producer of a wide variety of medical implements including several myoelectric arm prosthesis.
- The Utah Arm is manufactured by Motion Control, Inc. and has for many years been the stardard of comparison for EMG arm prosthesis.
- DELSYS is a manufacturor of electrodes designed specifically for EMG applications.
- B & L Engineering manufactures EMG analyzer hardware and software, including EMG-specific electrodes.