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Poster from Undergraduate Research Day, April 22, 2009 (PDF format)


Past Events
-Formed team (Spring 2007)
-Developed research question (Fall 2007)
-Attended conferences
      -ACTFL (American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages) (Fall 2007)
      -AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics) (Spring 2008)
-Presented research
      -NCUR (National Conferences on Undergraduate Research) (Spring 2009)
      -University of Maryland Undergraduate Research Day (Spring 2009)
      -Gemstone Junior Colloquium (Fall 2008)
-Developed survey and interview questions
-Received IRB approval (Fall 2008)
-Built contacts with schools (Summer 2008)
-Observed classrooms (Spring 2009)
-Completed drafts of three chapters of final thesis (Spring 2009)
-Observed classrooms (Fall 2009)
-Administered surveys (Fall 2009)

Current Events
-Adding to literature review (ongoing)
-Administering tests and interviews
-Coordinating fundraising efforts for Langley Park-McCormick Elementary
-Analyzing data (Fall 2009-Spring 2010)
-Developing thesis
-Developing website

Upcoming Events
-Coordinate tutoring efforts for Langley Park-McCormick Elementary
-Attend more conferences to present research
-Publish research (Spring/Summer 2010)
-Graduation (Spring 2010)

About Our Team

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