Our Timeline
P Sophomore Year (Spring 2010)

8 Received $1500 from HHMI Undergraduate Research Fellowship Spring 2010
8 Secured Dr. Craig Bennett as team's Orthopaedic Surgeon
8 Contacted Maryland State Anatomy Board for specimen
8 Started training for lab techniques: histology, cutting tissue, MTS testing
8 Obtained lab & storage space
8 Obtained Imaging Equipment
8 Obtained testing equipment
8 Wrote thesis proposal
8 Designed team website

P Junior Year (Fall 2010)

8 Presented a poster at Maryland Biosciences Research Day
8 Presented research/progress at the fall Colloquium
8 Received additional $1500 from Gemstone funding
8 Received first leg from State Anatomy Board
8 Observed crimping patterns in unloaded rat tendons/ligaments
8 Calibrated tension transducer for biomechanical tests
8 Updated website
8 Developed an outline for the final thesis and completed first 3 chapters

P Junior Year (Spring 2011)

8 Performed biomechanical tests and imaging of ACL and graft materials
8 Presented poster at Undergraduate Research Day
8 Continued to review literature
8 Received additional funding from HHMI and Gemstone
8 Updated website as needed

Senior Year (2011 - 2012)

8 Finish data collection and analysis
8 Complete senior thesis
8 Confirm at least 5 experts to sit on the panel of reviewers/discussants
8 Present and defend team thesis at the Team Thesis Conference
8 Final updates for website

For questions or comments, contact web liaison