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You have reached the home page of the Gemstone Team POLITIC [Political Opinions in Literature: Identifying Themes in International Compositions]! We are a 2014 undergraduate research team of eleven people at the University of Maryland. Our Research OverviewUnderstanding public intent and attitude requires knowing why certain novels and authors seem representative of a cultural canon. To become a better-informed political citizen of the United States, one must think critically about the uses of foreign literature. Our study will investigate how publicly available United States media received foreign novels and authors and how these portrayals work toward social and political ends of government support and criticism. Research QuestionDid the reception of Russian novels and authors in the United States and United States foreign policy toward Russia reflect each other from 1900-1923? For more information on our research, please visit our about page! If you have any questions, concerns, errors to report etc., don't hesitate to contact us. |