Fall 2013:
Radial device trials are in the process of being completed. Members will focus their efforts on completing a draft of the thesis, eventually to be presented next April.
Spring 2013:
Experimental trials for the linear device were completed throughout this semester, and trials for the radial device began. In April, members created and presented a poster at Undergraduate Research Day.
Fall 2012:
This semester marked the first set of trials of the linear device. Experimental trials were run at 0.01, 0.1, and 1V and the respective cell proliferation and migration analysis was performed on each of the trials. In November, members successfully presented at Junior Colloquia!
Summer 2012:
Team members spent the summer running preliminary trials and inititating the gathering of data.
Spring 2012:
To prepare for in vitro testing to begin next semester, members of the team built in vitro devices, trained to work with cell cultures and trained to conduct cellular analysis assays. In addition, the team submitted HHMI and ACCIAC funding proposals in early April.
April 2012:
Team Electrode was selected to receive an HHMI grant!
Fall 2011:
The project evolved from the repair of burned skin to accelerating and improving the healing of diabetic ulcers.
The project focus narrowed to examining the effects of electrical stimulation on angiogenesis, the growth of new blood vessels from
pre-existing blood vessels. Lack of angiogenesis is correlated with the stagnant healing of diabetic ulcers.
By the end of the semester, a detailed proposal including the current specific aims (see Links) of the project
was submitted to the Gemstone staff.
Spring 2011:
Team ELECTRODE was proposed and finally formed, comprising 13 team members and faculty mentor Dr. John Fisher, Bioengineering. The initial project idea was to use parametrize an electrical stimulus that would promote the healing of burned skin (primarily 2nd degree burns).