Welcome to Team BIOCOUNTER!
Welcome to the home page for Team BIOCOUNTER, one of the research teams for the University of Maryland's Gemstone Program. Our goal is to help prepare the Metropolitan Washington D.C. area for an act of bioterrorism, specifically the spread of aerosolized anthrax. The most important issues of our project is the work involved in the investigation of a possible attack and the decision-making involved with the response to such an attack.BIOCOUNTER will examine the system of response that exists in the Metropolitan D.C. area and hopes to make suggestions which will improve the system, reducing the response time to an attack and thus saving lives. Additionally, we hope to increase communication between the various agencies involved with response to an attack, from local hospitals to the Centers for Disease Control.
BIOCOUNTER feels that this research is crucial to the nation, especially in such a dangerous world. The threat of bioterrorism is a real threat to this nation and the more prepared we are to a bioterrorist attack the better, especially in saving innocent lives.
Be sure to visit the team page for contact information.
Also, visit our links page for a list of federal, state, and local agencies, as well as private organizations and academic institutions with which we have spoken.
Winter 2012-Spring 2013
- Discussants chosen and contacted for Thesis Presentation and Defense
- Research Paper draft completed
- Gemstone Thesis Conference @11:30 am. Please attend!