Spring 2011
- Describe the problem and form rich pictures ✓
- Present final thesis proposal to committee after having it
reviewed by librarian ✓
- Finalize questions to ask and conclude what information is
required from experts✓
- Determination and application of IRB Human Subject
Research ✓
- Design team website ✓
- Determine additional journal subscriptions we need,
conferences to attend, and possible need for additional
funding ✓
- Apply for grants ✓
Fall 2011
- Rich pictures ✓
- Root definition ✓
- Form models of interaction and use them in interviews ✓
- Outline our final thesis ✓
- Attend appropriate conferences ✓
- Begin simulation studies ✓
- Conduct interviews ✓
Spring 2012
- Write first three chapters of thesis (Introduction,
Literature Review, and Methodology)✓
- Finalize interviews✓
- Feasible and desirable changes- continue and finalize
Fall 2012
- Models of interaction and comparison with rich pictures✓
- Finalize feasible and desirable changes✓
- Continue to work on thesis (Chapters 4 and 5)✓
- Finalize list of experts for thesis conference and submit
list to Gemstone✓
Spring 2013
- Action to improve problem situation
- Continue to work on thesis
- Attend thesis conference
- Pursue journal publication