Kermit Gemstone

University of Maryland Honors College
Amy Chen

Amy Chen—Team Kermit Secretary

Major: Supply Chain and International Business
Activities: Solar Decathlon Team, Global Business Society, Chinese Students Association
Summer Jobs/Internships: National Cancer Institute and Newell Rubbermaid
Career Goal: Supply Chain/Global Business

Christina Gonzalez

A. Christina Gonzalez

Major: General Biology and Animal Science Double Major
Activities: Volunteer work tutoring elementary school children in Montgomery County
Summer Jobs/Internships: Program in Reproductive and Adult Endocrinology, NICHD, NIH.
Career Goal: Zoology/Research

David Hu

David Hu

Major: Cell Biology and Genetics
Activities: Piano and lifting
Summer Jobs/Internships: Rite Aid Pharmacy
Career Goal: Research

Richa Kalsi

Richa Kalsi—Team Editor

Major: Cell Biology and Genetics and Spanish Double Degree
Activities: Emergency Medical Technician, LiveGreenLearnGreen co-founder, co-director & team leader, UMD Office of Multi-ethnic Student Education tutor, American Society of Microbiology, UMD chapter, Vice President, UMD Chapter Operation Smile, Treasurer.
Summer Jobs/Internships: Summer Intern Lab of Molecular Pharmacology, NCI, NIH.
Career Goal: To be a medical doctor, and find a way to incorporate teaching into it

Tanya Kapoor

Tanya Kapoor—Team Kermit Financial Liaison & Team Editor

Major: Finance and Information Systems Double Degree
Activities: University Finance Committee: At-Large Representative, Greenbelt Cares: Bilingual Tutor, Stamp Advisory Board: Vice Chairwoman, Student Group Office Allocations Committee: Chairwoman, Hoff Funding Board, The Munch: Editor-in-Chief, Nonprofit Consultant, Teach For America Alternative Spring Break, ENGL281 Teaching Assistant
Summer Jobs/Internships: General Electric (GE): Financial Management Intern, United States Senate: Legislative and Research Intern
Career Goal: Law or Professional Services, with nonprofit work on the side

Hae Min Park

Hae Min Park

Major: Neurobiology and Physiology and Nutritional Science Double Major
Minor: Classics
Activities: Internship at the Museum Conservation Institute (Smithsonian), Gemstone Ellicott Service Committee, Primannum Honor Society
Summer Jobs/Internships: Internship at the National Science Resources Center, International Division (Smithsonian), Private tutor
Career Goal: Art conservation/Research

Sam Park

Sam Park

Major: Civil Engineering
Activities: Men's choir & Engineers Without Borders
Career Goal: Help rebuild United States' infrastructure

Alex Proctor

Alex Proctor

Major: Anthropology and Linguistics Double Degree
Activities: Yoga, didgeridoo
Summer Jobs/Internships: Greenhouse worker, plant pathology lab assistant
Career Goal: Ethnographer

Alec Ridgway

Alec Ridgway

Major: Physics, Mathematics, and Computer Science Triple Degree
Minor: Music Minor
Activities: Swimming
Career Goal: Academia

Andrew Taverner

Andrew Taverner—Team Kermit Liaison, Team Kermit Web Liaison & Team Editor

Major: Cell Biology and Genetics and Mathematics Double Degree
Activities: Solar Decathlon Team, UMD Student Hydrogen Design Competition 2012
Summer Jobs/Internships: Laboratory of Genomic Diversity at National Cancer Institute-Frederick
Career Goal: Pharmacogenomics/Research/Teaching

Nick Vujcic

Nikola Vujcic

Major: Architecture
Activities: UMD Club Volleyball
Summer Jobs/Internships: FDA ORISE Fellowship Program
Career Goal: Architect

Steve Turley

Steve Turley—Team Mentor

Career: Aquatic toxicologist with UMD-Wye Research and Education Center in Queenstown, MD since 1991. Have worked with over 40 species of freshwater and marine organisms.
Activities: Along with wife Bonnie and sons Will (17) and Bobby (14), stay very active in our small, rural Eastern Shore community.

Jim Miller

Jim Miller—Team Librarian

Career: Senior Reference Librarian and College Park Patent and Trademark Depository Library Representative at the University of Maryland, College Park.