Within these pages, you will find many additional resources for gemstone students, mentors, and librarians.
Gemstone Opportunity (GO) Fund
Here's a quick place to find information about the Gemstone Opportunity (GO) Fund, an initiative created by our Gemstone Alumni Board!
Campus Resources
Here's a quick place to find information about offices, organizations, and events on campus.
Though you'll find these forms linked to throughout the website, if you already know the form you are looking for (and the information you need to fill out the form), you can quickly access forms here.
Information for Librarians
A place to find helpful information for Librarians.
Mentor Resources
A place to find helpful files for mentors.
Gemstone Room Request and Reservation
Guidelines and procedures for using and reserving the rooms in Ellicott.
Team Website Guidelines
Every team must have a team website, and here you can reference what needs to be included on your site.