Class of 2012 Teams
AMIRA: Analyzing Movement of Infants at Risk for Autism Spectrum Disorder
Team Thesis |
ANTIDOTE: Analyzing New Treatments for Infectious Disease with Obtained Therapeutic Extracts Team Thesis |
BALANCE: Bettering Aged Living through Alternative Neural Corrective Exercises
Team Thesis |
BioFUELS: Furthering the Utilization of Energy from Land and Soil
Team Thesis |
BLAZE: Bettering the Lives of Animals in Zoo Environments
Team Thesis |
FACE: Facial Analysis for Communicating Expression Team Thesis |
FLIP: File Lending in Proximity Team Thesis |
FRESH : Fixing Refrigeration Efficiency to Sustain Health
Team Thesis |
GREEN JUSTICE: Geared Reassessment of Ecological and Environmental Needs to Justly Utilize Sustainable Techniques in Communities Everywhere
Team Thesis |
LEAF: Light Energy in the Agriculture of the Future Team Thesis |
LEGS: Ligament Elasticity post Graft Surgery
Team Thesis |